Remarks on several parts of Europe: Revision history

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27 January 2025

  • curprev 17:0417:04, 27 January 2025Sara.Congregati talk contribs 790 bytes +5 No edit summary
  • curprev 17:0317:03, 27 January 2025Sara.Congregati talk contribs 785 bytes +785 Created page with "{{Opere |pagina=Remarks on several parts of Europe |autore=Breval, John |titolo=Remarks on several parts of Europe, relating chiefly to their antiquities and history. Collected upon the spot in several tours since the year 1723; and illustrated by upwards of forty copper plates, from original drawings; among which are the ruins of several temples, theatres,amphitheatres, triumphal arches, and other unpublish'd monuments of the Greek and Roman times, in Sicily, and the So..."