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A tour through Italy. Containing full directions for travelling in that interesting country; with ample catalogues of every thing that is curious in architecture, painting, sculpture, &c. some observations on the natural history, and very particular descriptions of the four principal cities, Rome, F (1) · A tour through Sicily and Malta in a series of letters to William Beckford, esq. of Somerly in Suffolk; from P. Brydone (1) · A tour through Sicily and Malta. In a series of letters to William Beckford, Esq. of Somerly in Suffolk; from P. Brydone, F.R.S. In two volumes (2) · An account of Corsica, The journal of a tour to that island; and memoirs of Pascal Paoli (1) · An extract from the observations made in a tour to Italy, ... Translated by a Fellow of the Royal Society (1) · Anecdotes venitiennes et turques ou nouveaux memoires du conte de Bonneval depuis son arrivee a Venise jusqu'a son exil dans l'Isle de Chio, au mois de mars 1739. Pr. Mr. De Mirone. Tome 1 (1) · Italian scenery to the Queen's most excellent Majesty this collection of select views in Italy is with her Majesty's gracious permission humbly dedicated by her most obedient and devoted servant e London Jan. 18. 1817. John Smith (1) · Letters during the course of a tour through Germany, Switzerland and Italy, in the years 1791., and 1792. with reflections on the manners, literature, and religion of those countries (1) · Letters from Italy, describing the manners, customs, antiquities, paintings, &c. of that country, in the years 1710 e 1711, to a friend residing in France, by an English woman. In three volumes (1) · Letters from Italy, describing the manners, customs, antiquities, paintings, &c. of that country, in the years 1710 e 1711, to a friend residing in France, by an English woman. In three volumes. Vol. I [-III] (1) · Letters from Italy, describing the manners, customs, antiquities, paintings,&c. of that Country. In the years 1770. and 1771., to a friend residing in France. By an english woman (1) · Letters from Italy, in the years 1754 and 1755, by the late Right Honourable John Earl of Corke and Orrery. Published from the originals, with explanatory notes, by John Duncombe .. (2) · Letters from the north of Italy. Addressed to Henry Hallam, esq. In two volumes (1) · Letters on Sicily (1) · Lettres du baron de Pöllnitz, contenant les observations qu'il a faites dans ses voyages, et le caractere des personnes qui composent les principales cours de l'Europe .... - Quatrieme edition, augmentee d'une table des matieres (1) · Lettres sur divers entroits de l'Europe, de l'Asie, et de l'Afrique parcourus en 1788 et 1789 (1) · Lettres sur les voyages et sur d'autres sujet (1) · Lettres, memoires et negociations de Monsieur le Comte d'Estrades, ... Conjointement avec messieurs Colbert & Comte d'Avaux; ... Tome premier (1) · Memoires d'un voyageur qui se repose. Contenant des anecdotes historiques, politiques, et litteraires, relatives a plusieurs des principauxpersonnages du siecle (1) · Memoires du comte de Bonneval, Ci- devant General d'infanterie au service desa Maj. Imperiale & Catholique. - Nouvelle edition, augmentee d'un supplement & divisee en cinq volumes. Tomo 1 A Londres : Aux depens de la Compagnie, 1755 (1) · Memoires of Charles-Lewis, baron de Pollnitz. Being the observations he made in his late travels from Prussia thro' Germany, Italy, France, Flanders. Holland, England, &c. In letters to his friend. Discovering not only the present state of the chief cities and towns; but the characters of the princi (1) · Miscellaneous works of Mr. John Greaves, Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford : Many of which are now first published. Published by Thomas Birch (1) · Nouveaux memoires, ou observations sur l'Italie et sur les italiens, par deux gentilshommes suédois, traduits du suédois (1) · Observations and remarks in a journey through Sicily and Calabria, in the year 1791: with a postscript, containing some account of the ceremonies of the last Holy week at Rome, and of a short excursion to Tivoli. By the rev. Brian Hill … (1) · Remarks in the Grand Tour of France and Italy. Perform'd by a Person of Quality, in the year, 1691 (1) · Remarks on several parts of Europe, relating chiefly to their antiquities and history. Collected upon the spot in several tours since the year 1723; and illustrated by upwards of forty copper plates, from original drawings; among which are the ruins of several temples, theatres,amphitheatres, triump (1) · Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703 (2) · Romae antiquae notitia: or, the antiquities of Rome. In two parts. 1. A short history of the rise, progress, and decay of the Commonwealth. 2. A description of the city: ... With copper cutts of the principal buildings, &c. To which are prefix'd two essays; concerning the Roman learning, and the Rom (1) · Some observations made in travelling Trough France, Italy, &c in the years 1720, 1721, and 1722 (1) · Some observations made in travelling through France, Italy, &c. in the years 1720, 1721, and 1722 (1) · The gentleman's guide in his tour through Italy. With a correct map, and directions for travelling in that country (1) · The travels and adventures of Edward Brown ... Containing his observations on France and Italy; his voyage to the Levant; his account of the Isle of Malta ... Interspersed throughout with several curious historical passages relating to our own as well as Foreign Nations (1) · Travels from France to Italy, through the Lepontine Alps; or, an itinerary of the road from Lyons to Turin, by the way of the Pays-de-Vaud,the Vallais, and across the monts Great St. Bernard, Simplon, and St.Gothard : with topographical and historical descriptions of the principal places which lie c (1) · Travels in Italy, by the late Abbe Barthelemy, author of the travels of Anacharsis the younger; in a series of letters written to the celebrated count Caylus. With an appendix ... Translated from the French (1) · Travels through Denmark, Sweden, Austria, and part of Italy, in 1798 & 1799 ... Translated from the german (1) · Travels through different cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, and several parts of Asia, as far as the banks of the Euphrates: in a series of letters. Containing, an account of what is most remarkable in their present state, as well as in their monuments of antiquity. By Alexander Drummond (1) · Travels through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily. Translated from theGerman of Frederic Leopold Count Stolberg, by Thomas Holcroft. In two volumes (1) · Travels through Italy. Containing new and curious observations on that country; particularly the Grand Duchy of Tuscany; the ecclesiastical state, or the dominions of the Pope; the Kingdom of Naples; the republics of Venice and Genoa; and other Italian states (1)
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